
The History of Scheduled Caste Development Department of Kerala

The redressel of the problems of backward communities began to receive the attention of the respective governments years before independence. Prior to the formation of the present Kerala State the territories namely Travancore, Cochin and Malabar had their own schemes and administrative setup for this purpose.

In Travancore the work relating to the amelioration of depressed classes was started in 1923. This work was entrusted with the Registrar of Co-operative Societies and a post of ‘Protector of Depressed Classes’ was created in 1932. In 1937 this officer was placed under the control and supervision of the Special University Officer, who after the passing the Travancore University Regulations, became the Vice Chancellor of the new University. In 1941, the department was taken under the direct control of the government and an officer viz. The ‘Protector of Backward Communities’ was put in charge of the department. The main duties of this department were, establishment of colonies, provision of wells, approach roads, common buildings, burial grounds, affording educational facilities and provision of employment to educated members. There were 7 field officers, 2 lady welfare officers and one welfare officer to assist the Protector in the 4 field.

In Cochin State, the Protector of the Depressed Classes with special staff was sanctioned in 1926 and as a temporary measure the DPI was posted as ex-Office Protector. In 1930 the department was started with a full time protector. The post of Labour Inspector were also created to assist the Protector. Their duties were same as of in Travancore. When the two states were integrated to form the Travancore Cochin State in 1949, the department of the whole state was placed under the control of the Protector of Backward Communities with Headquarters at Trivandrum. The designation was changed as “Commissioner for the Advancement of Backward Communities” in the year 1950.

In Madras State of which Malabar a post of the Commissioner of Labour was in charge of the Depressed classes. In 1934 the powers were delegated to the District Collector and the Commissioner worked as the co-ordinating officer.

  • As part of the program of Clean Campus Safe Campus, the district level monitoring
  • The District Collector, Kannur is the Chairman and the District Police Chief is the Convener of the committee
  • Awareness classes were conducted in all schools against use of intoxicating substances among students
  • The district level meeting was held at the Chamber of District Collector on 26.12.2014 with the participation of the committee members
  • Awareness classes were conducted in all schools against use of intoxicating substances among students

The State of Kerala came in to existence in 1956 and Sri. K.C.Kunjan was posted as the first Director of the Harijan Welfare Department of Kerala in 1956.

The activities took up momentum steadily from the commencement of five year plans. Ample provisions had been made in the second five year plan for the welfare of the Backward Communities and the department was re-organized.

In 1958 these were District Welfare Officers in every revenue district and Posts of Taluk Welfare Officers were also created in all revenue Taluks. Post of District Publicity Officers in each District and Harijan sevaks in Taluks were also started and Post Matric and Pre-Matric hostels were established Lump-sum grant and monthly stipend were sanctioned for all post matric courses. Welfare and Tribal Schools, were started Model Welfare Training Centers and ITCs are started.

By the end of the 2nd five year plan the Harijan Welfare Department become a full fledged one having all round activities such as providing educational facilities, providing houses, activities under Co-operation, health and hygiene, training in crafts and traditional occupations etc.

The Co-operative societies under the department were transferred to Co-operative department in January 1965. The welfare school were transferred to education departments in 1965. SEBC educational concessions was started in 1968.

Housing Schemes for unclean occupations started in 1967-68. The interdepartmental Co-ordination committee was constituted in 1969. KIRTADS was started in 1970. There were 10 DDO’s in the department up to 1971-72. SMS for North started in 1972. The department was bifurcated in 26th June 1975 as SCDD & STDD. One Post of Vigilance Officer in the grade of Joint Director was created in 1975-76 as per GO (MS) 17-76 dt.19th February 1976.

The entire work of Post Matric Education was transferred to DDOs in 1978 as per GO (MS) 153/78 DD dt.18/10/78. For this one post of Assistant Director at the Directorate and two posts of Assistant Directors (Central and Northern region) were created. Balavadi cum feeding centers was introduced in 1979-80.

Planning and Monitoring Cell


In1982 a Planning and Monitoring cell was formed for strengthening the administrative machinery in the department. It was headed by a Chief Planning Officer in the directorate and assisted by one Research officer, one UD compiler, one LDC, one LD Typist, one CA and Peon. In the same way, a cell comprising of one RA and one LD compiler was also formed in the district (GO (MS) 82/82/HW dt.2/8/1982. The scholarships to the children of those who engaged in unclean occupations was introduced in 1980-81.

Re-Organisation of the Department

As per GO (P) 19/83/HWD dt.28/7/1983 the department was reorganized for more effective implementation of its traditional welfare functions as well as adapting to undertake extension and development work for scheduled caste in a more useful manner. In this order 65 posts of Block Extension Officer were sanctioned in blocks where SC population is over 15000 as per 1981 census. Out of this 65 BEO posts 50% of the posts were taken from direct recruitment of candidates having Postgraduate educational qualifications and remaining 50% have been reserved for the department hands. The posts of Taluk Welfare Officer in Taluk where SC population is above 40000 have been upgraded to the rank of SS. 2 posts of Deputy Director in the directorate have been sanctioned. The existing DD post was upgraded to that of Joint Director. The post of Financial Assistant was upgraded to Finance Officer and Administrative Assistant to Administrative Officer. The 12th and 13th DDO office started in Pathanamthitta and Kasargode districts.

In 1985 the name of the department (Harijan Welfare) was re-named as Scheduled Caste Development Department as per GO (RT) 64/65/SC/STDD/ dt.15/11/1985.